It’s Never Too Late... try new things.

About 18 months ago I found myself riding along with a group of strangers, as part of a social gathering loosely based around a bit of leisure cycling and many cups of tea.

I got chatting to a lady who was quite new to riding a bike, and after a short conversation we agreed that I would try out her passion – dancing, if she’d try out some longer trips on the bike that went further than the nearest tea rooms.

To cut a very long story short, I did go dancing – enjoying the coordination challenges, and meeting lots of lovely people along the way – but eventually discovered that while I quite liked it, I didn’t LOVE it.

She, on the other hand, mentored me through my choreographic challenges – but also came with me on several decent rides of 50 miles plus up the Tyne Valley and beyond.

When I suggested that we might try a foreign excursion riding from Amsterdam to Bruges, I expected an immediate ‘no’ – but instead she invested in a better bike, some proper shorts, and a few spares. The next thing I knew we were rolling off the ferry into Ijmuiden, with a most enjoyable 3 day excursion ahead of us.

Around this point I decided that my formal dancing days were over, but she took the cycling challenge to even greater levels. So much so that she’s just completed the Lands End to John O Groats journey – averaging 80 miles a day, with NO REST DAYS!!

Now, my pub talk often includes long accounts of me riding across Europe – eating up the kilometres. But I’ve never managed to ride that far without taking several days out for much needed physical recovery. What she’s done really is some feat.

I met her for lunch the other day and joked that she’d be off around the world within a year’s time. The look she gave me suggested that it wasn’t just being considered but was probably well into the planning stages.

She’s off on the continent again now – guiding a batch of newbies around the cycleways of Holland. Not bad for someone who only recently needed help to hold her bike while she got on.

And here’s the kicker – she’s retired and well into her sixties.

It just goes to show that it’s never too late to try new things and inspire those around you with your passion for life.
