Matthew’s insight into listening to the Royal wedding
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash
Love them or hate them Saturday was a very special day in the life of our Royal family and very hard to get away from even if you tried.
As part of my remit to myself of keeping abreast of popular culture, I decided to keep up to date with the events of the day. The issue was potentially going to be my movements around Saturday morning – as most parents of young children will be aware it is the domain of weekend activities.
Our trip involves leaving the house at 9:30 and getting back at circa 12:30. This meant I was going to be listening to the big events as they unfolded. My station of choice was BBCR2 – this was primarily because the bulk of my listening would be to the Chris Evans outside broadcast from Windsor.
I like Chris Evans.
I was not disappointed. I listened in the car and via my phone whilst out and about. The stories, colour and vibrancy of the output was such that I found myself laughing out loud and getting rather emotional – fortunately, I was back in the car at this point, on my own.
When I picked my daughter up for the return journey she too became rather wrapped up in the output. There was less music than normal, and the choice would not normally have been hers, which would normally have seen her reaching to change the pre-set. None of this.
We arrived home and the TV was immediately switched on. Suffice to say the images reflected what we had been listening to – in fact, they weren’t quite as big as what we had been listening to.
Apart from one of the grey outrider horses that was struggling with the occasion (#DrunkHorse) immediately picked up on by Bromham Jnr.
The images seemed a tad smaller on the so-called “Big Screen” and this was not lost on Jnr, “Dad, it doesn’t seem the same on the TV?”
Cue the 30” elevator pitch around the way that radio works and the theatre of the mind that is personal to you as a listener depending on what emotions are evoked by the music, content and dare I say it the commercial.
Well there it is. Out of the mouth of babes and all that. If you are using radio as an advertising medium you don’t often have the luxury of a Royal wedding to comment on, you need to ensure that the emotions your commercials are triggering are the right ones.
If you, and more importantly your customers, aren’t loving your radio advertising give us a shout.
God Save the Queen!