Why ¾ of an hour with Get Carter Productions is time very well spent
45 minutes.
What might you do today in a spare 45 minutes?
Photo by Stanislav on Unsplash Well, you may nip to the local sandwich shop for a ‘meal deal’...
Photo by Pixzolo Photography on Unsplash
Or scroll through your preferred news provider for the latest Brexit non-news...
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
There’s always a billion or 2 distractions on YouTube...
OR you could have the most productive meeting of the week* with one of the UK’s leading radio advertising creative teams.
*our clients’ words not ours!
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Let’s kick off with a short intro of our team and the real advantages using a radio specialist gives you...
Then we can bring you right up to speed with all the latest industry changes – major shifts in ownership among the radio groups, new national stations and more...
We can chat over the exciting new innovations – including personalised ads and streaming...
AND, most importantly, talk about the challenges you’re facing and how radio could best help solve them.
Each week, we’re introducing ourselves to major radio advertisers, and big brands who should be major radio advertisers but aren’t yet – could we meet with you next?
Of course, we’re not asking you to commit to us there and then, or even to brief us (although it often happens), we just want the opportunity to showcase ourselves - it would be great to meet you.
And, who knows, it could be the most productive meeting of your week.
Graham Bridgewood