Attitudes and behaviours change with the times. It often takes the smallest of things to help make us see that...
Meet our new dog, Woody the Cockapoo
It has been of great interest to me the shift in thinking in relation to dog training.
I was a child brought up in a household where the dulcet tones of Barbara Woodhouse were always heard over Sunday tea in the front room of my Granny’s house.
It was one of the great moments when my parents agreed that we could get a dog. We duly agreed to a Golden Retriever – easy to train. I can hear it now. Caesar’s pedigree certificate was littered with FTCh this and FTCh that. The training in the main was left to the man of the house; my father – it was all rather alpha male when I look back on it now.
Caesar was often tethered and left for long periods of time. On the days he was set free from the tether, his first instinct was to run away; He was gone for nearly 2 days once. Sadly, he was repaid for returning the old-fashioned way… Thankfully that’s all been left in the past. He was unfortunately euthanised at just under two after having bitten every member of the family, a family friend and finally a stranger.
Dreadful - hindsight is a marvellous thing.
I have recently read and finished three up to date books all on dog obedience training. This was in preparation to us taking receipt of an eight-week-old puppy. Woody is a bundle of fur and joy. We have a menagerie of animals and Woody has completed the set. In fact, he has completed us as a family. He has enrolled at obedience classes and he loves them. His new best friend is Barclay, a beautiful liver Cocker Spaniel.
Woody is now just under 4 months old. He walks off the lead, comes in on cue, sits, and even lies down. At the risk of sounding smug, we have done a great job with him. It has been a family effort with us all taking turns in being the lead coach. Woody doesn’t have the run of the house. He isn’t allowed on the sofa. He has his crate. He has his space. He loves it.
Don’t get me wrong he’s not Peter Perfect – the nose bleed, hand tears and the cats’ tail are testament to that.
Woody loves to sit on your knee on the floor, play hide and seek in the long grass, and he wants to go everywhere with us. All Woody wants to do is please us. All of us.
It is also worth noting that he is managing to do all of this at 4 months old in what can only be a very confusing and at times bewildering world for the little man.
With our continued support and affection, I know that Woody will continue to develop and be a great member of our family.
Flyball next…!
Matthew Bromham
Butter wouldn't melt...
My daughter playing with Woody, crate included!