The Speed Of Sound

Want to get your message to a mass audience FAST? You’re tuned in to the right place.

I know what you’re thinking... 

”An advertising medium that can help me reach HALF the UK population, with ON BRAND messaging from brief to campaign start in a WEEK...and it’s also consistently voted as the most trusted form of media??!* - REALLY?!?!” 


This is radio: dynamic, swift, adaptable, agile, responsive – I could go on! 

Speed of delivery is certainly one of radio advertising’s most underplayed strengths. We should shout about it louder and prouder. So, here goes... 


Photo by Pixabay

Look at 2020 and the government’s extensive use of radio advertising during the pandemic. As their messages evolved, radio played a crucial part in swiftly communicating changes to the public health guidance at huge scale – all with a consistent tone of voice too (Remember the slightly gruff voiceover? “This is a message from the government regarding Coronavirus...”) 

It’s the old ‘oil tanker vs the speedboat’ analogy. 

Why wait for that massive ocean-wide turning circle when you can spin the wheel in your speedboat, swivel on a sixpence and you’re ready to head off to a new destination! 

But does fast mean rushed? Absolutely not. 

Sometimes certain services and industries just have an advantage. And that’s the case with radio, with the links in the chain working so closely together and harnessing so much of new technology to allow even tighter integration. 

A good example of this is with voiceovers – with many now having instant access to studios and the latest software to allow us to record broadcast quality audio with them across the internet, anywhere in the world, at any time. 

From our own perspective, our studios are set up to be incredibly agile, with the ability to reposition workloads instantly to be as efficient and responsive as possible – like Tom Cruise in Minority Report!! 

And we stick with the principle we’ve always had - that the creative-lead on your account will also be your main point of contact – no dilution of message or waiting games here. 

Even when you look at the legal clearance process, radio’s responsiveness is extremely impressive there too – with the Radiocentre’s ‘Fast Track’ submissions cleared 4 times faster than the equivalent service from Clearcast (for TV). 

So, if you want to get the right message to the right people right when you need to...Radio’s got this. 

*European Commission’s Europe-wide Eurobarometer survey monitoring ‘trust in media’

Graham Bridgewood