Every now and then, a relatively new concept is brought to the fore that seems like it’s just so obvious.
This is exactly what I thought when I stumbled upon the subscription-based brain health supplement company Heights.
Now, supplements aren’t new, and neither is the concept of brain health; my mum had me taking Omega 3 capsules and Ginko Biloba as a teenager. But I never truly understood the impact, and so this habit was lost as soon as I flew the nest.
But listening to Heights’ founder Dan Murray-Serter on the Monacle podcast recently, I started to think more in depth about how my diet affects my mind, and I began to take ownership.
The next day I brought blueberries into the office.
Inspired by the results, I began to think about what else could affect this concept of brain health – and, somewhat naturally (as an audio brander), my mind turned to music.
Photo by Growtika on Unsplash
In my mind, music had to have a positive impact on brain health – I’d been unwittingly using it for years to lift me, and console me, and everything in between.
And as much of an emotional experience music is, it’s extremely cognitive too: it involves listening, watching and moving; remembering, expecting and engaging.
Surely there’s a lot more going on in the ol’ grey matter than meets the ear.
So I set about some research, and whilst I’m no neurosurgeon, the evidence is clear: the act of listening to music engages almost all parts of the brain.
This means that music can induce brain plasticity, which explained simply, can change, heal or improve the brain through learning and other activity.
So music can very quickly improve both your emotional and cognitive functions.
It releases dopamine and serotonin at regular intervals, which improve motivation, focus and happiness, amongst other things.
This is why music is often used in the treatment of severe dementia patients, as well as sufferers of Parkinson’s disease, and further neurological diseases.
If music can do all this – just think of what it can do for your brand.