Looking Forward

Why is Matthew excited for the future?

I feel as if it’s been an age since I felt compelled to blog.

Well, here it is and why.

I can honestly say I haven’t felt this positive about the future for well – two years or so!

I know that a lot of hard stuff has happened in that period – and some people are still experiencing some very dark days.

But I feel obliged and comfortable to shout out that everything’s Ok here – thanks! It may well change – I accept that the only constant is change, but do you know what I’m going to bloody well enjoy it while it lasts.

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

I am looking forward to lighter nights, warmer longer days. I’m really looking forward to them. I’m looking forward to the Six Nations, I’m looking forward to Newcastle Utd thriving not just surviving, I’m looking forward to loads and loads of stuff!

Lots of you will have heard of the principle around ‘circles of influence and circles of control’. Well look – there are some things I can influence (me) and there are some things I can’t control (everything else!) For now, I am going to stay focused on the former not the latter.

I love being part of a team – at home at work and socially. I love it. I really don’t enjoy solo pursuits. I need like minded people around me – I feel safe, I feel a sense of belonging I feel as though I’m doing something worthwhile.

A colleague at work volunteers for a local charity and delivered nearly 2 metric tonnes of donated food to a charity last week. He is doing something great - imagine how good he must feel.

Look I’m excited, really excited for what’s up ahead – and I’m not ashamed about that. In fact, I would implore you all to set about looking forward and to what you, me, everybody can and will achieve if we really have a go.

Finally, we believe that our company exists to enhance the lives of all the people involved with it. We are fair in our dealings, and reasonable in our demands. We value our relationships and strive to make every transaction a positive one

If you want a positive conversation about whatever, give me a shout.
