Bridget’s on a mission to help everyone at GCP get fit for 2018!
It’s November and the temperature has dropped up here in the North East and as such, a biscuit mountain is forming in the office (and too close to my desk). That’s the trouble with Winter, our bodies crave carbs – the simpler the better according to the inner chimp, when what our bodies really need are complex carbs in the form of fruit and veg.
Being a biscuit heavy office, it was decided that we would introduce some healthy options, not only to divert attention from those desirable, sugar-filled, chocolate topped, crunchy discs of badness… but in a serious effort to encourage a work-force with more energy who’ll ultimately enjoy being fit and healthy throughout the Winter months and beyond.
Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash
The weekly fruit fridge has been introduced within the last two weeks; we purchased one of those beer fridges with a glass door and filled it with fresh fruit from the local Aldi! A local fruit retailer is being sourced as we like to patronise local businesses.
Another healthy living opportunity we’ve introduced is… drum roll… we’re having three sessions of Tai Chi per week! For me, being the resident hippy who does weird stuff outside of work on a regular basis, Tai Chi is a perfectly normal activity, so I’m not the best judge of how things are going. However, for those who are more likely to walk or go to the gym for their weekly/daily dose of exercise, I believe that the sessions are going so much better than I could have anticipated. The feedback so far has all been very positive, and the Chi is tangible – yes, really – you can feel it, which is very satisfying!
We currently follow a virtual teacher via video on our viewing deck of the Tyne. At the moment, I reckon we all have that tongue-out, concentration face, but I couldn’t say for sure as I didn’t want to lose my balance watching other people’s exercise face… and I sincerely hope no-one watched me! Anyway, the bloke on the video is strangely magnetic and commands attention, which I think is a massive help.
After the last session, I for one felt quite a sharp alertness, yet such a deep sense of calm with which to start my working day.
On a positive note, the up-take of “Get Carter Goes Healthy” initiative has been well received so far, even though it’s not appealing to all members of staff – however, with some determination I will bring health and positive energy to all of my colleagues.
Bring on a healthier and happier 2018!