Familiarity in Advertising

Your company probably spends a lot of money on image: how your company looks to the public is one of the most important factors you need to consider when trying to grow your business.

How much attention do you pay to sound though?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Branding is all about establishing familiarity. Consistent themes running through the images your company distributes concretes your company in a consumer’s mind. This means that when they get to the shelf, they’re more likely to pick out, and enjoy, your product.

Image isn’t the most effective medium for establishing familiarity though.

How many times have you caught yourself not being able to get an image out of your head? Apart from particularly harrowing images, we're not sure we could name an example ourselves. Earworms, however; we’d say that several times a day we're concentrated on trying to get a tune out of our heads.

This is the power of sonic branding.

The eyes can ignore, but you can’t close your ears.

Powerful and thoughtful sonic branding is the key to ingraining your brand into the consumers head. With a consistent theme linking your company’s visual to sonic, you can make sure that you are the most recognised product in your industry.

If you’d be interested in getting your brand stuck in people’s heads, you should talk to us at Get Carter Productions.

We’re audio production specialists, and we’d love to help.

Get Carter